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Cite as: Yaman Akdeniz, Regulation of Child Pornography on the Internet: Cases and Materials, at http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/child.htm. Last updated September 1999. Copyright Yaman Akdeniz, 1996-1999. All Rights Reserved. No part of this database can be copied without our permission. Journalists and researchers please contact at lawya@leeds.ac.uk for permission to use materials from this database of cases and materials.
This section of Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) deals with the regulation of child pornography on the Internet under various jurisdictions. Child pornography is a serious concern for parents and law authorities and the Internet is unfortunately used by paedophiles to traffic in these materials. The use of the Internet facilitates their purposes but as you will see below there has been recent operations which were followed by successful prosecutions in the UK,the US and elsewhere. These pages are regularly updated and please do inform us if you know any cases which are not listed below. Please send mail to lawya@leeds.ac.uk.
Internet Watch Foundation UK - The Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) was launched in late September 1996 to address the problem of illegal material on the Internet, with particular reference to child pornography. It is an independent organisation to implement the proposals jointly agreed by the government, the police, the two major UK service provider trade associations, ISPA and LINX, and Mr Peter Dawe, the founder. UK Internet users should report child pornography to the Internet watch Foundation:
Childnet International which seeks to comabt child pornography on the Internet. While the organisation is based in UK it acts internationally and is involved together with the Internet Watch Foundation at European Level to find an industry based solution to the problem of child pornography on the Internet.
A non profit web
site created by HELMY Enterprises, ASACP stands for Adult Sites
Against Child Pornography. They do 'not' object to pornography.
They created this site to allow other adult sites to express
their support and to raise awareness in the internet community.
people may associate Nick the Llama with environmental issues,
such as the protection and preservation of endangered spaces and
species. However, in the past few years the company has also
focussed its attention on social issues and how it can contribute
its efforts to society as a whole. Such fields of effort, outside
of Rainforest preservation, are education on how to reduce
racism, assisting battered women, clothing the poor and feeding
the hungry. Now that Nick the Llama has found its home in cyber
space it has set out to accomplish another task. Their goal i is
to reduce and assist the abolishment of CHILD PORNOGRAPHY on the
Barna (Save The Children Norway) in co-operation with the
Norwegian Ombudsman for Children, Trond Waage, presented an
initiative to fight child pornography on the net at the first
World Congress Against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
in late August 1996 and they have established the child
pornography tips e-mail in Norway (children@risk.sn.no). All
information on child pornography or networking amoung child
abusers is greatly appreaciated. Substantiated information will
be passed on to the Norwegian police, who will channel it to the
correct international authorities. If you desire, they will keep
your input anonymous.
'Save The Children Norway are against censorship on the net. Free flow of information on the net is precious and should be guarded. But we should also try to fight crime in CyberSpace, as we do in the real world. Maybe a CyberCop is the answer?'
struggle against peadophilia on the Internet. MAPI - Movement
Against Pedophilia on the Internet - is a volunteer organisation
of professors and researchers from the Computer
Science Department and from CITA
(Cellule Interfacultaire de Technology Assessment) of the University of Namur (Belgium).
Stop Trafficking of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography on the Internet - Belgian Citizen's Digital Reporting Site.