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10 November, 1998 letter by Mr Duncan
A letter of support from Mr. Duncan Campbell who has received
a less censored version of the publication through the Home
Date sent: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:34:34 -0500
To: lawya@lucs-01.novell.leeds.ac.uk
From: Duncan Campbell <duncan@gn.apc.org>
Subject: Your open government enquiry
Hash: SHA1
11 November 1998
Dear Mr Akdeniz,
Thank you for your e-mail letter of 10 November, the contents of which I have noted.
It is correct that, as you say, I wrote about "The Internet Detective" in the Guardian this summer. The copy from which I prepared my report was sent to the newspaper by the press office of the Home Office. I was surprised by the suggestion in your letter that Sections 8-10 and Appendices C and D were deleted before it was sent to us. This is incorrect. Only section 10 was deleted from the copy sent to us. Section 8 on "Hiding Information and Identities on the Internet" and Section 9 on "Internet Investigative Techniques" were included. So were Appendix C on "Types of Crime" and Appendix D on specific case studies.
I am perplexed by the position you have reported. In my view, Inspector Davies and the Police Research Group have prepared an excellent study which has no like anywhere and which I have unhesitatingly recommended to anyone, whether from law enforcement or otherwise, who is involved in investigative matters concerning the Internet. Frankly, it deserves commercial publication.
I have no objection to your passing this communication to third parties. For that purpose, therefore, it is digitally signed.
Yours sincerely,
Duncan Campbell
1 Meadowbank
Edinburgh EH8 8JE
0131 659 6566
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