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Privacy, Interception of Communications and Cryptography |
Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau, Privacy
on the Line : The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption,
Hardcover - 360 pages (February 1998) MIT Press; ISBN: 0262041677
Synopsis: Telecommunication has never been perfectly secure, as a Cold War culture of wiretaps and international spying taught us. Yet many still take their privacy for granted, even as we become more reliant on telephones, computer networks and electronic transactions of all kinds. Many of our relationships now use telecommunication as the primary mode of communication that the security of these transactions has become a source of wide public concern and debate. The authors argue that if we are to retain the privacy that characterized face-to-face relationships in the past, we must build the means of protecting that privacy into our communications systems. However, the development of such protection is not easy. The US government uses strong export control to limit the availability of cryptography within the United States and bills introduced in 1997 place legal restrictions on the essential elements of any secure communications system. These policies attempt to limit encryption to forms that provide a "backdoor" for government wiretapping.
Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau, Privacy
on the Line : The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption
Availability: Usually dispatched within 24 hours,
Paperback - 360 pages (February 1999) MIT Press; ISBN: 0262541009
David Kahn, The
Codebreakers, List Price: £45.00
Our Price: £36.00
You Save: £9.00 (20%)
Hardcover - 1200 pages ( 6 October, 1997) Simon & Schuster;
ISBN: 0684831309
Reviews by Amazon.co.uk: "Few false ideas have more firmly gripped the minds of so many intelligent men than the one that, if they just tried, they could invent a cipher that no one could break," writes David Kahn in this massive (almost 1,200 pages) volume. Most of The Codebreakers focuses on the 20th century, especially World War II. But its reach is long. Kahn traces cryptology's origins to the advent of writing. It seems that as soon as people learned how to record their thoughts, they tried to figure out ways of keeping them hidden. Kahn covers everything from the theory of ciphering to the search for "messages" from outer space. He concludes with a few thoughts about encryption on the Internet.
Synopsis: With a new chapter on computer security issues, this updated and revised history of codes and codebreaking takes the reader from the protocryptography of Egyptian Pharoah Khnuumhotep II through to the speculations of scientists solving messages from outer space.
National Research Council Committee on Information
Systems Trustworthiness , Trust
in Cyberspace
Our Price: £19.95,
Hardcover - 342 pages (December 1998) National Academy Press;
ISBN: 0309065585
Synopsis: In this text, experts from industry and academia provide a detailed assessment of the current state of the art for building trustworthy networked information systems. They propose new directions for research in computer and network security, software technology and system architecture.
Ross Anderson, Bruno Crispo, Jong-Hyeon Lee, Vaclav Matyas, The
Global Internet Trust Register ,
Our Price: £15.36
Paperback - 174 pages (April 1999) MIT Press; ISBN: 0262511053
Synopsis: The development of electronic commerce and other applications on the Internet is held up by concerns about security. Cryptography - the science of codes and ciphers - will be a significant part of the solution, but one of the problems is enabling users to find out which cryptographic keys belong to whom. The main things that can go wrong are similar to those that can go wrong with a signature stamp - it can be stolen, or counterfeit or it may not belong to the person one thought it did. This text seeks to help solve the third risk. It aims to cut through the chaos by publishing the thousand or so keys in paper form, as a kind of global phone book. The secondary aim is political: by printing the keys on paper, established legal protections can be used to limit government interference.
Bruce Schneier, David Banisar, The
Electronic Privacy Papers : Documents on the Battle for Privacy
in the Age of Surveillance,
Our Price: £36.93.
Hardcover - 747 pages (August 1997) John Wiley & Sons; ISBN:
Synopsis: Advancements in cryptography and the digital telephone could make it nearly impossible for law enforcement and regulatory agencies to monitor electronic communications, as they are capable of doing with traditional communications technologies. Governments around the world are already looking at new tools to guarantee such access, but these tools could seriously compromise communications privacy for both individuals and companies.
Philip E. Agre, Marc Rotenberg, Technology
and Privacy : The New Landscape ,
Our Price: £10.25
Paperback - 336 pages (July 1998) MIT Press; ISBN: 0262511010
Synopsis: Privacy is the capacity to negotiate social relationships by controlling access to personal information. As laws, policies, and technological design increasingly structure people's relationships with social institutions, individual privacy faces new threats and new opportunities. Over the last several years, the realm of technology and privacy has been transformed, creating a landscape that is both dangerous and encouraging. Significant changes include large increases in communications bandwidths; the widespread adoption of computer networking and public-key cryptography; mathematical innovations that promise a vast family of protocols for protecting identity in complex transactions; new digital media that support a wide range of social relationships; a new generation of technologically sophisticated privacy activists; a massive body of practical experience in the development and application of data-protection laws; and the rapid globalization of manufacturing, culture, and policy making.
Mark Urban, UK
Eyes Alpha ,
Our Price: £7.19,
Paperback - 350 pages ( 4 August, 1997) Faber and Faber; ISBN:
Synopsis: An account of British intelligence since Gorbachev came to power in 1985. The author presents a list of what he claims are failures by every British intelligence organization, and raises questions about the value of the traditional structures and organizations that are a legacy of the Cold War.
James Bamford, The
Puzzle Palace : A Report on America's Most Secret Agency
Our Price: £8.84
Paperback (September 1983) Penguin Books; ISBN: 0140067485
Books on Legal and regulatory implications of the Internet |
Yaman Akdeniz, Sex
on the Net: The Dilemma of Policing Cyberspace
List Price: £3.50 Paperback - 72 pages (July 1999) - South Street Press; ISBN:
Synopsis from the publisher's press release: As sexually explicit content is increasingly finding its way onto the Internet, governments and law enforcement bodies are being faced with new and difficult challenges. How can there be effective legislation to regulate obscene and offensive websites when the content produced is perfectly legal in the country of origin and such legislation may be an infringement of human rights? How are the police to deal effectively with so-called cyber-crimes, including the distribution of child pornography, when perpetrators may be located anywhere in the world? While it is agreed globally that efforts must be taken to prevent the production and circulation of child pornography, the debate surrounding explicit content is a complex one which differs from country to country.
In this book Yaman Akdeniz introduces the reader to various aspects of the cyberporn debates in America, Britain, and Europe. The book covers such topics as the issues of civil rights, accessibility of sexually explicit content, the effectiveness of filtering and rating systems in protecting children from sexually explicit content, the extent of child pornography over the Net and global policing initiatives to tackle such material. It presents specific case studies to demonstrate the failure and successes of Internet policing and government attempts to restrict obscene content, and considers the logistics and ethics involved in censoring the World Wide Web.
C.P. Walker, Crime, Criminal Justice and the Internet, Criminal Law Review, December 1998 Special Edition: Click here for For ordering this special issue.
This special edition includes among other articles Walker, CP, & Akdeniz, Y., "The governance of the Internet in Europe with special reference to illegal and harmful content," and Ellison, L., & Akdeniz, Y., "Cyber-stalking: the Regulation of Harassment on the Internet."
Brian D. Loader,
Governance of Cyberspace : Politics, Technology and Global
Restructuring , UK List Price: £15.99
Paperback - 264 pages (April 1997) Routledge; ISBN: 0415147247
Synopsis: Issues of surveillance, control and privacy in relation to the Internet are coming to the fore as a result of state concern with security, crime and economic advantage. Through an exploration of emerging debates regarding the possible desirability, form and agencies responsible for the regulation of the Internet and an analysis of issues of surveillance, control, rights and privacy, this volume develops contemporary theories and considers issues of access, equity and economic advancement.
Gordon Graham, The
Internet: A Philosophical Inquiry , Our Price: £8.99,
Paperback - 192 pages (22 July, 1999)
Routledge, an imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd; ISBN:
What should we think about the digital revolution in
information technology? Can there be "communities" in
cyberspace? Should we control freedom of expression on the
Internet? This text offers a concise philosophical exploration of
questions such as these and more. Developing many of the themes
presented in his radio series, "The Silicon Society",
Gordon Graham guides us between the warnings of the neo-Luddites
and the bright hopes of the technophiles. Bringing broad cultural
concerns to bear on the Internet, the text presents the reader
with a discussion of the Internet and democracy, scrutiny of the
supposed advantages of email, and a discussion of what philosophy
can tell us about virtual reality.
Jonathan Rosenoer , Cyberlaw
: The Law of the Internet , UK List Price: £30.00
Hardcover - 350 pages (November 1996) Springer-Verlag TELOS;
ISBN: 0387948325
Review by Amazon.co.uk: CyberLaw is a thorough and easy-to-read guide for businesspeople whose jobs force them to consider the legal implications of certain actions online. Written in plain English with a clear legal focus, CyberLaw should inform professionals when to consult an attorney. Rosenoer organizes the book into broad subjects of the law, such as criminal liability. The chapters then consist of a deconstruction of the major legal issues within each category, such as extortion and threats in the criminal liability chapter. In these subchapters, the author does a fine job of explaining each law and providing clear examples of how each law pertains to the online world. The chapters also contain lots of footnotes and legal citations to lead the more adventurous further into their legal journey. More likely, they will give an attorney just entering the realm of online law a solid starting point. Each chapter's appendix features Rosenoer's previously published cyberlaw columns pertaining to the subject. Some of these essays are beautifully contained mini-briefs, but they may appeal only to lawyers. Some date back to the early '90s, but because of case citations, they can be valuable research tools on the hot button topics Rosenoer addresses.
Lilian Edwards, Charlotte Waelde, Law
and the Internet , Our Price: £25.00
Paperback - 284 pages (30 October, 1997) Hart Publishing; ISBN:
Synopsis: Various legal issues arise from the massive expansion and commercial use of the Internet. The law regulating the Internet must deal not only with widely publicized problems such as Internet libel, computer crime and copyright on the World Wide Web, but also with issues relating to electronic contacting, intellectual property rights, and electronic evidence and procedure. This book focuses on these and other topical issues in the "law of cyberspace". An emphasis is put on what practitioners need to know to use the Internet for business, and the benefits and disadvantages of setting up a legal Web site.
Liberty eds, Liberating
Cyberspace : Civil Liberties, Human Rights & the Internet
UK List Price: £13.99
Paperback (January 1999),
Pluto Pr; ISBN: 0745312942
Synopsis: The Internet offers new opportunities and threats to all our basic liberties: civil rights, privacy, and freedoms of expression. Originally, as something totally free of all official interference and regulation, the Internet was anarchic in a true sense. The contributors to this book look at how the freedom of use and accessibility of this world-wide phenomenon is being eroded, both by governments (reacting as politically "undesirable" information becomes freely available) and private concerns and pressure groups raising moral panics. Using case studies, including one on the recent McLibel case, the contributors look at these key issues. They also cover European policy on the regulation of the Internet, censorship and freedom of information on the Internet.
Jonathan Wallace, Mark Mangan, Sex,
Laws, and Cyberspace : Freedom and Censorship on the Frontiers of
the Online Revolution
Our Price: £8.28
Paperback - 320 pages (March 1997) Owl Books; ISBN: 0805052984
Review by the author, Jonathan Wallace jw@bway.net , 5 April, 1998: "Cyberspace is a constellation of printing presses and bookstores." Since the book was published, this line from Sex, Laws and Cyberspace has become a meme travelling through electronic and print media, quoted back to us in reviews, panel discussions and interviews. In the two years since our book appeared, the Supreme Court has confirmed unconstitutionality of the Communications Decency act and the focus has shifted to the legality of blocking software in public schools and libraries. But the battleground remains the same: will the Net be treated as the latest evolution of print media, with the same broad protection, or be restricted to the narrower scheme under which broadcast and cable are regulated? Although there have been many new developments we would love to include in a second edition, Sex, Laws and Cyberspace sets the stage for current disputes, and includes an extensive discussion of relevant conflicts in the regulation of prior media, from the printing press onwards. Though we are very hopeful after the Supreme Court decision that the courts will continue to extend substantial protection to speech on the Net, continued vigilance is necessary. Risks include the possibility that, if media convergence occurs, the trend will be to treat the Net more like television. Its not yet time to become complacent.
Roza Tsagarousianou, Damian Tambini, Cyberdemocracy
Our Price: £15.99
Paperback - 200 pages (27 November, 1997) Routledge, an
imprint of Taylor & Francis Books Ltd; ISBN: 0415171350
Synopsis: Is information technology enhancing democracy? Developments in information technology and the Internet are taking place at an almost bewildering pace. Such improvements, however, are believed to present opportunities for improving the responsiveness and accountability of political institutions and enhancing citizen participation. In this text the theoretical arguments for and against "electronic democracy" and the potential of information and communication technology are closely examined. The book is underpinned by a series of case studies in the US and Europe that demonstrate the application of "electronic democracy" in a number of city and civic projects. The book aims to provide a balanced and considered evaluation of the potential for "electronic democracy" based on empirical research.
James Boyle, Shamans,
Software, and Spleens Our Price: £10.50
Paperback - 288 pages (30 September, 1997) Harvard University
Press; ISBN: 0674805232
Review by Amazon.co.uk : In 1990 the Supreme Court of California ruled that DNA extracted from a spleen removed from your body could be patented--one of many court precedents to define the emerging laws of cyberspace. Boyle explores such seemingly weird decisions as well as legal issues surrounding autodialers, direct advertising, consumer databases, ethnobotany, the right of publicity, and the right to privacy. Boyle argues that contemporary ideas about intellectual property are based on a Romantic notion of selfhood that is outmoded and counterproductive in our information-based society, a society in which--as someone else probably said before the phrase was popularized by Stewart Brand--"information wants to be 'free.'" --This text refers to the hardcover edition of this title
Synopsis: This text aims to present a timely look at the problems posed by the information society. Discussing topics ranging from blackmail and insider trading to artificial intelligence (with stops in microeconomics, intellectual property, and cultural studies along the way), James Boyle has produced a work on the social theory of the information age. It aims both to formulate a critical social theory of the information society and to galvanize opposition to pending proposals which would expand intellectual-property protection in the US and internationally.
Barry N. Hague, Brian D. Loader, Digital
Democracy Our Price: £16.99
Paperback - 296 pages ( 8 July, 1999) Routledge, an imprint of
Taylor & Francis Books Ltd; ISBN: 0415197384
Synopsis: This text examines the impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and their consequences for political institutions, and assesses critically the concept of an emergent electronic democracy. The first section discusses the concepts and issues of "Electronic Democracy" with chapters on democracy and cyberspace, local democracy, global control and interactive ICTs. In the second section, entitled ICTs and the state, the chapters examine the impacts and implications of televising the British "House of Commons", the effects of ICTs on political parties, and closed circuit television. The final section discusses ICTs and the citizen with chapters covering democracies online, strengthening communities in the information age and the community network. This book provides a source for those studying social policy, politics and sociology as well as for policy analysts, social scientists and computer scientists.
Laurence O'Toole, Pornocopia,
Our Price: £7.99
Paperback - 416 pages Updated and Revised Edition (14 October, 1999) Serpent's Tail; ISBN: 1852427205
Synopsis: In "Pornocopia", Laurence O'Toole finds the expansion of the new technologies of video, cable and the internet is allowing porn to
emerge from the shadows as an acceptable form of popular entertainment - out of the red light district and into the sitting room. This
new edition considers the increasing sexualization of mainstream culture and contrasts the growing acceptability of porn in the USA with
the censorious New Labour era in Britain. Including numerous interviews with porn figures like Paul Thomas, John "Buttman" Stagliano,
Juli Ashton, and Chasey Lain, porn activists and the police, "Pornocopia" also considers the role of the porn viewer, including cyberlovers
sharing their intimate porn moments with the reader.