Dr. Yaman Akdeniz, LL.B., MA, Ph.D
and Director of
Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)


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Academic Publications September 2009

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"Anonymity is essential to democracy and has been a vital tool for the preservation of political speech and discourse throughout history. As a concept it is closely related to free speech and to privacy. The Internet boom in the 1990s created new opportunities for communications and for discussion. Internet technology allows genuinely anonymous communication, and this can be used for many purposes; socially useful, but also criminal."

Yaman Akdeniz, Anonymous Now, Index on Censorship, The Privacy Issue, 2000 (3), June.


Papers Presented and Conferences September 2009

United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, Palermo, Italy, 12-15 December, 2000, hosted by the Italian Government, http://www.odccp.org/palermo/convmain.html 

Yaman Akdeniz spoke at the Seminar for the Media on the Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo, Palazzo dei Normanni) within the E-media: An avenue for communication or cyber-crime? session. See also the  Biographical notes on the participants for the UN Seminar.

See the press release First UN Treaty against Transnational Organized Crime Adopted by Assembly (16 November 2000)


Conferences attended and other relevant activities:

Background Information about Yaman Akdeniz


CyberLaw Research Unit, Faculty of Law, University of Leeds, Lecturer in Law (February 2001 -).

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) (http://www.cyber-rights.org), Founder and director. A non-profit civil liberties organisation (January 1997 - present). Gave oral evidence in front of a Trade and Industry Select Committee on Electronic Commerce Inquiry at the House of Commons, March 9, 1999, following the submission of the Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) Memorandum to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee, February 1999. Representative to the OECD Ministerial Conference, "A Borderless World: Electronic Commerce," in Ottawa, Canada, October 7-9, 1998. Issued series of reports on cyber-censorship and privacy (see http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports). Made submissions to various government departments (including in Ireland and at European Union level). Written a number of Global Internet Liberty Campaign Member Statements. Spoke at various conferences including three Freedom Forum events (London, Washington DC, and Geneva). More recently chaired a session on Free Speech and Cyber-Censorship at the CFP99 conference in Washington DC. Handled press inquiries on a daily basis and quoted extensively in relation to Internet related issues by the national and international press.

University of Leeds, CyberLaw Research Unit, within the Faculty of Law and teaches part-time in the CyberLaw: Information Technology, Law and Society course (1997-98, 1998-99), Introduction to Study of Law (Part-time Education Undergraduate Degree Programme, 1998-99).

"UK Law Online: The UK Legal System on the Internet," (http://www.leeds.ac.uk/law/hamlyn) project completed together with Professor Clive Walker, sponsored by the Hamlyn Trust Fund. The main object of the project is the raising of public awareness, appreciation and understanding of the UK Legal System by use of the medium of the Internet. The objective was to create a series of world wide web pages which may be compared to a basic UK Legal System text-book but is distinguished by the medium being used. This allowed us to convey our messages in accessible, alluring and attractive formats.


Ph.D, Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, University of Leeds.
January 1997 to January 2002. Awarded Scholarship. Thesis title: The Governance of the Internet in Europe with Special Reference to Turkey and United Kingdom.

MA Research at the Faculty of Law, University of Leeds.
October 1995 to October 1996. Awarded scholarship.
Thesis title: The Internet: Legal Implications for Free Speech and Privacy.

University of Leeds
Bachelor of Laws with Honours, Class II Division (i) in Law, July 1995.
(Admitted into final year LLB (Hons) degree as an EU student)
Erasmus Student From: October 1993 - June 1994. Awarded scholarship.

University of Ferrara, Faculty of Law, Italy.
September 1987- July 1993: Roman Law, Statistics, Political Economy, Italian Constitutional Law, Private Civil Law, International Law, Finance Law, Economic History, Labour Law, Banking Law, Commercial Law, EC Agricultural Law, Public Economic Law.

HIGH SCHOOL: Kadikoy Anadolu Lisesi, Istanbul - Turkey.
Attended: September 1979-June 1986.

Articles and Interviews in Turkish - Yaman Akdeniz ile ilgili Türkçe makaleler ve söyleşiler (to be updated)

Information about Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK)

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) is a non-profit civil liberties organisation founded on January 10, 1997. Its main purpose is to promote free speech and privacy on the Internet and raise public awareness of these important issues. The Web pages have been online since July 1996. Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) started to become involved with national Internet-related civil liberties issues following the release of the DTI white paper on encryption in June 1996 and the Metropolitan Police action to censor around 130 newsgroups in August 1996.

In May 1997, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) encryption report was endorsed by a coalition of civil liberties organisations. The report proposed that UK encryption policy must strike a balance among improved online commerce, crime prevention, and civil rights, and must recognise the history and global nature of encryption policy development. It was published in response to proposals by the UK Department of Trade and Industry to regulate the provision of encryption services in the UK.

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) produced the Global Internet Liberty Campaign Submission on the Illegal and Harmful Use of the Internet to the Irish Minister for Justice in July 1997. The submission has been signed by 14 members of the Global Internet Liberty Campaign.

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) recently criticised the attempts of the Nottinghamshire County Council to suppress the availability of the JET Report on the Internet. The group organised a successful mirror campaign to beat the attempted suppression of the availability of the JET Report on the Internet by the Nottinghamshire County Council. The report is now back to where it belongs.

In November 1997, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) launched a new report entitled, Who Watches the Watchmen, on the implications of the use and development of rating systems and filtering tools for the Internet content. The report insists that the debates on regulation of Internet-content should take place openly and with the involvement of public at large rather than at the hands of a few industry based private bodies.

In February 1998, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) produced the Global Internet Liberty Campaign member statement which criticised the possible introduction of "key escrow" or "key recovery" systems for the regulation of encryption services in the UK. The statement signed by 22 organisations world-wide concluded that "mandatory key recovery policies would make Britain a second-class nation in the Information Age."

In September 1998, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) published the second in the series of its Who Watches the Watchmen reports. The new report entitled as "Accountability & Effective Self-Regulation in the Information Age" is available through the organisation’s new web site at http://www.cyber-rights.org. The report concluded that "Government inspired and enforced pre-censorship is no more different than government-imposed censorship. Such restrictions and complex regulations would make Britain, like any other jurisdiction that goes too far, a very hostile place for network development."

Also in September 1998, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) released another report entitled "Wassenaar Controls, Cyber-Crime and Information Terrorism," which concluded that "far from hampering criminal and terrorist activities, controls on civil cryptographic products are promoting the evolution of a global information infrastructure that provides many easy targets for cyber-crime and information terrorism."

In February 1999, Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) published "Who Watches the Watchmen: Part III - ISP Capabilities for the Provision of Personal Information to the Police," (http://www.cyber-rights.org/privacy/watchmen-iii.htm) which follows the development of a "privacy letter" from the consumer’s perspective, and an exchange of letters between Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) and the ACPO/ISPs and the Government Forum in December 1998. This report concluded that that "transparency, openness and accountability are important features of a healthy society. We believe it is now time for the Government through the Parliament to intervene in the activities of the ACPO/ISPs, Government Forum and clarify these matters including the laws in relation to interception of communications and the relevant procedures."

Following the submission of a Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) written Memorandum to the House of Commons Trade and Industry Select Committee on Electronic Commerce Inquiry, in February 1999, a team of Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) representatives (Mr Yaman Akdeniz, Director, Mr Nicholas Bohm, E-Commerce Policy Adviser, Dr Brian Gladman, the Technology Policy Adviser , and Professor Clive Walker, deputy director) gave oral evidence in front of a Trade and Industry Select Committee at the House of Commons, on March 9, 1999. The written memorandum is available through http://www.cyber-rights.org/reports/.

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) is regularly consulted by the national and international media and most recently quoted in the New York Times ("Major Court Decisions Will Shape the Internet in 1999," January 1, 1999), the International Herald Tribune ("On-Line Censors Stepping Up Activity," December 24, 1998) and The Sunday Times ("Big Brother chip faces boycotts," 31 January, 1999).

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