WHAT IS NEW SECTION in January 2003
Case Report
by Dr. Yaman Akdeniz: Court
of Appeal Clarifies the Law on Downloading Child Pornography from
the Web,
published in the Computer Law & Security Report Vol. 18 no. 6
2002, pp 433-435.
BBC News, Operation
Ore: Can the UK cope? 13 January, 2003
Ore - May 2002 - Ongoing
after FBI passed credit card details of 7300 alleged British
subscribers to a child porn gateway.
1300 arrested, including teachers, care workers, social
workers, soldiers, surgeons and 50 police officers.
children - 28 in London - are now under protective care.
investigation, which will run at least until July 2003, has
focused on anyone with access to children and in positions of
authority, such as the police or magistrates.
Constable Brian Stevens, 41 - an officer on the Holly and
Jessica double-murder case - has been charged with indecently
assaulting three children and possessing indecent photos. The
charges are not related to the double murder in Soham.
say many child porn sites are run from eastern Europe.
Britain's high-tech crime unit has been working with police in
countries such as Romania to shut them down.
held in police crackdown on internet child porn
- 10:55:47
British police force today said it had arrested more than 100
people suspected of downloading child pornography from the
Internet in just four weeks. Sussex Police has made 110 arrests as
part of Operation Ore, the national crackdown on child abuse on
the net, and seized more than 1,000 computers from addresses
across both the east and west of the county. Det Chief Insp Alan
Chambers, leading the force? part in Operation Ore, said: ?s
far as the numbers of people involved is concerned, the situation
in Sussex is no better and no worse than elsewhere in the country.
?e have made good progress in working through the names that
were supplied to us of people who had used their credit cards to
purchase images of child abuse. ?he aim of the Sussex operation
is to identify those people who pose a risk to child safety and
actively to target them in order to protect children. At the same
time we have worked closely with the support of the various social
services departments across Sussex to ensure the welfare of
affected children. ?e have now taken positive action against
158 people on the list of names supplied to us by the National
Crime Squad. Positive action refers to activity designed to reduce
the potential threat to child safety. This has included executing
warrants whenever the identity of the person has been
confirmed.?Mr Chambers added a further 28 people known to have
accessed child porn had since left Sussex but their details had
been passed to other forces. He said: ?e are still actively
progressing the remaining cases: those involved can expect a visit
from Sussex Police soon. ?very image that we are talking about
is a picture of the sexual abuse of a child. ?y directing our
resources towards people who purchase these images, Sussex Police
is taking the opportunity to disrupt the activities of those who
may also be committing physical offences against children within
Sussex, and also to disrupt the market for child pornography which
victimises children across the world.?/font>
doctor nabbed in porn probe
Police make plea for resources to stop
spread of 'evil'
Jan. 16, 2003. 06:56 PM
Toronto police have targeted 241 pedophile
suspects in the GTA who allegedly paid to view pornographic images
on the Internet that investigators described today as 'evil'.
Among those arrested across Canada already are a police officer, a
teacher and a doctor. "I think it's reasonable to assume that
once we go through the list we'll come across some pretty
high-profile people,'' said Det.-Sgt. Paul Gillespie, who leads
the Toronto police force's sex crimes unit. Neither
Gillespie nor OPP Det.-Insp. Robert Matthews would describe
exactly what kind of pornography has been seized, but both said
they were disturbed by what they'd seen. Gillespie called the
images "evil," while Matthews said he too was horrified.
"Paul and I have seen things that I would never want any
other human being to record in their mind,'' said Matthews. The
probe, called Project Snowball in Canada, has targeted more than
2,000 Canadian suspects, Gillespie said. Thirty-two people have
been charged and 42 charges have been laid. The probe stems from
the same worldwide sting that garnered headlines earlier this week
when The Who guitarist Pete Townshend was arrested for allegedly
making illegal images of children in the U.K. Canadian
investigators made a plea today regarding the resources police
have to deal with child pornography distributed over the Internet.
"International co-operation is a dream - national
co-operation is a nightmare," Gillespie told a Toronto news
conference. "I may have limited resources but my officers
have unlimited resourcefulness. ... It is time for those
responsible on a federal level to live up to their responsibility.
We need help." Matthews said his force simply doesn't have
the money and manpower it needs to deal with the problem.
"The resources it takes to get these cases before the courts
and through the courts are staggering,'' he concurred. American
investigators say they've traced 250,000 suspected pedophiles
around the world through credit-card details on child porn sites.
British police say they have arrested more than 1,300 people as
they go through a list of 7,000 people suspected to accessing
illegal Internet sites. Those arrested so far in what British
police call Operation Ore include 50 police officers, social
workers, teachers and judges. Project Snowball was the only
significant Canadian offshoot of Project Avalanche, a U.S.
investigation that resulted in the arrest of Texas kiddie-porn
magnates Thomas and Janice Reedy. Their business, Landslide
Productions Inc., often grossed $1.4 million US per month from
subscribers paying as little as $14.95 US to access Web sites with
names like Cyber Lolita and Child Rape. "That would allow
them 30 days access to some of the most evil images of child abuse
you can imagine," Gillespie said. Thomas Reedy was sentenced
in August 2001 to 1,335 years in prison - the first-ever life
sentence for distributing child porn, Matthews said. By contrast,
one of the names on the list - Joseph Downey, 27, of Elora, Ont. -
was sentenced in October to just 14 months of house arrest after
police found more than 500 pieces of child porn on his computer.
Sentences like Downey's are "a joke," Matthews spat.
Investigating kiddie porn is taxing on investigators, who are
often forced to look at thousands of images, some depicting
infants so young they still have their umbilical clamps attached.
In a statement today, Canadian Alliance justice critic Vic Toews
assailed the federal Liberals for failing to get their priorities
straight. "For years front-line officers have pleaded for
federal support to combat child exploitation," he said.
"The only response from the Liberals was to slash police
resources and enact complex legislation that will do nothing to
protect children." Suzanne Thebarge, spokeswoman for federal
Justice Minister Martin Cauchon, said Ottawa is indeed working
with the provinces to strengthen Canada's ability to battle child
pornography. "The federal, provincial and territorial
governments are taking this matter very seriously and that's why
we are continuing to work toward the safeguards in the well-being
of Canadian children," Thebarge said. She denied that the
federal government is failing in its efforts. "I think we are
living (up) to our responsibilities," she said. "It's an
ongoing process. Children are a priority for this
government." She cited Bill C-15A, which made Canada's
child-porn laws the toughest in the world when it was passed by
Parliament last year. It created new offences "to target
criminals who use the Internet to lure and exploit children for
sexual purposes and to transmit, make available, export and
intentionally access child pornography." Ontario Premier
Ernie Eves, whose own government was lauded at the news conference
today for funding an expansion of police resources, agreed the
time has come for a co-ordinated effort between Ottawa and the
provinces. "I think it would be a good thing for both the
federal and provincial governments to sit down ... to discuss how
we can take a much firmer position than we have to date."
News, Thirty
held over online child porn, 20 May, 2002
More than 30 people suspected of buying paedophile pornography
on the web have been arrested in raids across the UK. Officers
from 30 forces searched about 50 houses and flats across Britain.
Operation Ore targeted computer users suspected of accessing
US-based websites which sell images of children aged as young as
five being sexually abused. US authorities gave the National
Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS) details of the sites'
subscribers between May 1999 and the summer of 2001. The NCIS'
Serious Sex Offenders Unit identified a "significant
number" of suspects, and Monday's operation was co-ordinated
by the National Crime Squad. Those arrested include three men -
aged 62, 54 and 35 - being held in Merseyside, a 32-year-old man
arrested in Scunthorpe and another, 64, arrested in Grimsby, North
Lincolnshire, Another man, aged 30, was arrested at an address in
Normanton, near Wakefield, West Yorkshire where two computers were
seized for forensic examinations. A man, 44, from the Sandbach,
Cheshire has been released on police bail pending further
inquiries. In London, the Metropolitan Police Paedophile Unit also
seized computer equipment from two homes in Battersea and Camden.
Deputy Assistant Commissioner and Association of Chief Police
Officers (Acpo) spokeswoman on internet child abuse Carole Howlett
said: "A significant proportion of people involved in child
abuse online are themselves actual abusers." NCIS UK Tactical
Services director Vincent Harvey added: "Every image of a
child being sexually abused is an image of a crime scene and each
photograph is that of a victim. "Using the sophisticated
technology along with traditional detective and analytical work we
can now make sure there is no place for paedophiles operating
online to hide." The National Crime Squad's Detective
Superintendent Peter Spindler said: "This is an excellent
example of all the UK policing agencies coming together in a co-ordinated
way to tackle a relatively new and growing problem. "This is
the first time we have targeted people who use the internet to buy
images of children being sexually abused. "We will continue
these operations to protect children and show paedophiles that law
enforcement agencies will find them regardless of which area of
the internet they use." Home Office minister Beverley
Hughes, who chairs the government's task force on child protection
on the internet, said the operation sent "a clear signal to
such criminals that they cannot hide". "People who
access child pornography are fuelling the widespread and often
organised sexual abuse of children by paedophiles across the
world." "The government is determined to give the
highest priority to protecting our children, on and off-line, and
to searching
out and arresting those who prey upon them. "We
will continue to work with law enforcement, industry, children's
charities and others to tackle the dangers posed by online
paedophiles and ensure the UK provides a safe environment for
legitimate internet users."
News, Police
have launched the biggest ever crackdown in Britain on internet
child pornography, 24 April, 2002
Manchester Police say 75 warrants have been executed nationwide.
Police have seized computer equipment during raids on the Wirral and
in Walton, Liverpool. A Wirral man in his twenties has been
arrested. The operation, codenamed Magenta, follows a
six-month investigation by 34 police forces under the Protection of
Children Act. It was led jointly by officers from Hertfordshire
Police's child protection and investigation unit and Greater
Manchester Police's abusive images unit. A total of 75 warrants were
carried out simultaneously focusing on paedophiles who used internet
chatrooms to advertise and exchange images of children being abused.
Inspector Keith Tilley, head of Hertfordshire Police's child
protection and investigation unit said: "Hertfordshire, along
with other forces, will continue to work to identify and track down
those individuals who believe the internet gives them anonymity to
continue their trade in abusive images of children. "This is
not the case and further operations like today's will take place in
the future."
Terry Jones, from Greater Manchester Police's abusive images unit,
added: "Today's operation is primarily about two things:
firstly, to closely examine the activities of individuals who have
engaged in the exchange of child abuse material and determine what
access they have to real children. "Secondly, it is a clear
demonstration that forces can work together to tackle new challenges
posed by the internet."
See also the BBC
News coverage, Paedophile
Net raids across UK, 24 April, 2002
The Guardian, Dozens
held in net porn raids, 24 April, 2002
Evening News, Internet porn cops praised,
24 April, 2002
POLICE in Greater Manchester
have been praised in the European Parliament for their battle
against child porn. Labour's Arlene McCarthy told fellow MEPs that
the force's Abusive Images Unit had been involved in a major
operation against internet perverts in Britain. "Internet
paedophilia is a rising phenomenon," she told the parliament in
Strasbourg. She is working with children's charities including the
NSPCC to demand tough action against Internet child abusers. Ms
McCarthy praised the work of Det InspTerry Jones and his anti-porn
team in Manchester for their expertise in tracking down and
convicting child abusers.
plays key role in Operation Magenta, targeting Internet paedophile
Congleton, UK (April 24, 2002) - Software developed by
SurfControl, the world's number one web and email filtering company,
has played a critical role in Operation Magenta, the nation wide
crackdown on paedophile Internet activity which culminated in
today's dawn raids. The Abusive Images Unit of Greater Manchester
Police (GMP) and the Child Protection and Investigation Unit of the
Hertfordshire Constabulary drove the six month investigation. Thirty
five forces in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales were
involved in the simultaneous execution of 75 warrants under the
Protection of Children Act, at 0700 hours this morning, Wednesday 24
April. Steve Purdham, chief executive for SurfControl, commented:
"With specialist software now at the disposal of the police, it
is impossible for those who use the Internet illegally to remain
anonymous." SurfControl began working with the GMP's Obscene
Publications Unit in 2000, providing Internet filtering expertise
and software. In 2001, the company's technology assisted the highly
successful anti-paedophile operation, Operation Appal. Using
software produced by SurfControl, GMP and Hertfordshire Constabulary
officers have once again been able to target people in the UK who
posses and distribute indecent images of children via the Internet.
Inspector Keith Tilley, Head of Hertfordshire Constabulary's Child
Protection and Investigation Unit, said: "Today's nation wide
operation should send out a loud message to those people who use
chat rooms to trade in indecent images of children. This activity is
unlawful and is committed by people who often go on to commit
further offences of abuse against vulnerable children. Hertfordshire,
along with other forces, will continue to work to identify and track
down those individuals who believe the Internet gives them anonymity
to continue their trade in abusive images of children. This is not
the case and further operations like today's will take place in the
future." Inspector Terry Jones from GMP's Abusive Images Unit
added: "Today's operation is primarily about two things:
firstly, to closely examine the activities of individuals who have
actively engaged in the exchange of child abuse material, and to
determine what access they have to real children; secondly, a clear
demonstration that forces can work together to tackle new challenges
posed by the Internet." Following the pioneering work with the
GMP and Hertfordshire Constabulary, SurfControl has designed and
developed a specialist software tool to facilitate the tracking and
tracing of illegal and threatening activity in chat rooms.
SurfControl has announced that the solution will shortly be made
available to police forces across the UK. SurfControl's chief
executive Purdham continued: "SurfControl is committed to
enabling responsible Internet use and a key part of this is helping
to ensure children are protected from internet-related risks. The
illegal use of chat rooms by paedophiles is an extremely serious
issue, and we're very pleased to be working with police forces, such
as Greater Manchester and Hertfordshire, who are challenging this
difficult area. This is an excellent example of bringing together
the different skill sets of the public and private sectors to create
a positive result for the community. Purdham concluded: "This
joint project shows that the tools are available to help safeguard
the Internet. Whether people are online at home or in the workplace,
they can be effectively protected against inappropriate or illegal
materials, and against web users with indecent or malicious
News, US
court legalises virtual paedophilia, 16 April, 2002
The US
Supreme Court has overthrown a congressional ban on virtual
paedophilia. It ruled the First Amendment protects pornography or
other sexual images that only appear to depict real children engaged
in sex. The judgment is a victory for both pornographers and
legitimate artists such as filmmakers. They argued that a broad ban
on simulated child sex could make it a crime to depict a sex scene
like those in the recent movies Traffic or Lolita. The law was
challenged by a trade association for pornographers.
It barred
sexually explicit material that "appear(s) to be a minor"
or that is advertised in a way that "conveys thecanada Goose outlet ,
impression" that a minor was involved in its creation. The law
was Congress' answer to then-emerging computer technology that
allowed the computer alteration of innocent images of real children,
or the creation from scratch of simulated children posed in sexual
acts. The law was an expansion of existing bans on child
pornography. Congress had justified the wider ban on grounds that
while no real children were harmed in creating the material, real
children could be harmed by feeding the prurient appetites of
paedophiles or child molesters. The Free Speech Coalition, the
pornographers' trade group, said it opposes child pornography but
that the law could snare legitimate, if unsavoury, films and photos
produced by its members. cheap Goose Jackets uk,The group did not challenge a section of
the law that banned the use of identifiable children in
computer-altered sexual images. The Clinton and Bush administrations
defended the law in court.
BBC News, Paedophile
trapped by internet images, 6 April, 2002
An internet paedophile has been jailed following the first
surveillance operation of its kind in the UK. David Randle was
arrested by officers who pinpointed the scene of his crimes by
studying the images of them he distributed via the web. A number of
other people he is believed to have networked with have also been
arrested in Europe, as part of an international operation. Randle,
of Richmond Road, West Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, was given six
life sentences at Nottingham Crown Court after pleading guilty to a
string of rapes and indecent assaults on a young girl.Canada Goose Outlet Store Online Sale, www.iosolutions.org/vip.asp,Buy Cheap Canada Goose Parka,
Nottinghamshire Police said an investigation was launched in January
2001, when colleagues in Greater Manchester became aware of a series
of images circulating on the internet. They depicted the serious
sexual and physical abuse of a young girl and officers said they
were among the worst they had ever seen. Greater Manchester Police's
Abusive Images Unit began analysing the images to identify and trace
the scene of the crimes before Randle was arrested on January 9 this
year. The operation also involved officers from the National
Criminal Intelligence Service, Interpol and Europol. Randle pleaded
guilty to six counts of rape, four indecent assaults, two counts of
taking indecent images, two counts of making indecent images and two
counts of distributing indecent images.
News, Arrests in 10 countries over child porn, 22 April, 2002
Police in
nine European countries and the US have arrested about 25 people for
allegedly violating child pornography laws. A police spokesman said
arrests have been made in Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and
Denmark. He declined to name the other four European countries.
case is unique because we caught those who have sexually abused the
children, not just distributed the child pornography," said Canada Goose Outlet Store Online Sale, Canada Goose Outlet Store,Buy Cheap Canada Goose Parka,
Troels Oerting Joergensen of the cyber crime unit of Denmark's
national police. Two US citizens were arrested in San Diego, he
said, and two Danes in Denmark. He declined to provide further
details because the investigation is continuing. "More arrests
are soon to be expected in Europe and in the United States," he
said. The investigation began last November when Danish police
arrested a couple in Ringkoebing, 205 miles west of Copenhagen. They
had acted on a tip from Swedish police who had found photographs on
the internet showing a man sexually abusing an 11-year-old girl. On
his shirt, there was a logo of a Danish company. Danish police Discount uggs,
identified the man and arrested him with his wife. On the couple's
computer, investigators found more photos of the girl. Police also
found names of people outside Denmark with whom the couple had
exchanged photos through the internet. The couple was not identified
in line with Danish privacy rules. They were charged with sexually
abusing a child and face up to eight years in prison, if convicted.
They were released from jail pending trial. So far between 30 and 35
boys and girls, aged 3 to 15, in 10 countries have been identified.
All the children were sexually abused, Mr Oerting Joergensen said.
v. Sharpe,
decision of the Supreme Court of Canada
Neutral citation: 2001 SCC 2.
File No.: 27376.
2000: January 18, 19; 2001: January 26.
Yaman Akdeniz , Sex
on the Net: The Dilemma of Policing Cyberspace,
Reading: South Street Press, Summer 1999
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Paperback - 72 pages (July 1999) - South Street Press; ISBN: 1902932005
Synopsis from the publisher's press release: As
sexually explicit content is increasingly finding its way Discount ghd straightener,
onto the Internet, governments and law enforcement bodies
are being faced with new and difficult challenges. How
can there be effective legislation to regulate obscene
and offensive websites when the content produced is
perfectly legal in the country of origin and such
legislation may be an infringement of human rights? How
are the police to deal effectively with so-called
cyber-crimes, including the distribution of child
pornography, when perpetrators may be located anywhere in
the world? While it is agreed globally that efforts must
be taken to prevent the production and circulation of
child pornography, the debate surrounding explicit
content is a complex one which differs from country to cheap uggs,
In this book Yaman Akdeniz introduces the reader to various aspects
of the cyberporn debates in America, Britain, and Europe. The book
covers such topics as the issues of civil rights, accessibility of
sexually explicit content, the effectiveness of filtering and rating
systems in protecting children from sexually explicit content, the
extent of child pornography over the Net and global policing initiatives
to tackle such material. It presents specific case studies to
demonstrate the failure and successes of Internet policing and Canada Goose uk,
government attempts to restrict obscene content, and considers the
logistics and ethics involved in censoring the World Wide Web.
